Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I would like to say "time to resume ones Blog." However, as I'm sure you can see for yourself, I never even got around to starting it!! A huge faux pas me thinks! So, without further ado, once again, welcome to my Blog. Hopefully this time around, I'll be rather more successfully at up-dating my archaeological 'coming's and going's'.........................

1 comment:

Mordecai said...

Hello, my name is Rick, Ive been doing allot of research on the Ancient World and how it Migrated and formed the modern world. And I see allot of similarities between Europe's Occult, like the Illuminati, and in comparison to Ancient Egyptians. And the Illuminati in the USA. I have a friend thats a Mason, and he tells me personally, that that Order hes in, practices the Ancient Egyptian rituals and ways of occult. I have another friend in Scotland as well. I have family form England. Curious if you have more details on this. Anyways you are taking a fantastic leap in Science and Arkuelogy and I think its wonderful! For the Modern world has to many Darwinian rules that are awful and are insane! I'm curious how Meritaten, sailed them seas or did her and her Army sail too the Greek mainland and walked across? I'm looking into this, if you have any info, I would appreciate it and be thankful.